Saturday, June 6, 2009

D-Day and inner thoughts

My blogging lately has been sporadic because there is a lot going on in my life right now and it has been difficult to find time to write. Actually, time has been limited because I have been working a lot but really things in my life have been difficult in general which have made me not want to do much of anything except come home and sleep after work. Writing is very emotional for me because it is something I love so dearly. When I write I feel I can be my true self. But in the recent weeks that has been difficult.

I learned several years ago that if one is not true to oneself, one cannot be true to anyone else. If I am not completely honest with me, then what I portray to others is a lie. The down side to that is that people may not always like who you really are. But in reality, if they don't like who you really are, are they really that important? They don't have to live with you and without them life can go on, but you always must live with yourself.

Today is the 66th anniversary of D-Day when the Allies stormed the beaches at Normandy. My grandfather, my mother's father, arrived at Normandy two days after and marched across France and into Germany. Along the way he was run over by a tank but was unharmed because he quickly flattened himself into a ditch as the tank rolled over him. Later, he and his unit were bombed in their shelter and he was sent home unconscious and awoke only after being back in the states for several weeks. I have only a few memories of my grandfather but I am so proud of the service he gave to our country. And I am thankful that God provided him a way back to health because 20 years later he adopted my mother and gave her stability and love that she may never have known.


G to the A said...

I completely agree with the being true to yourself, such a true statement. And as that great wise man once said "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

And I love you JUST the way you are!!

Bethany said...

I shall second Georgia's sentiment. Especially the part about loving you JUST the way you are. (-: