My dear, sweet Mema went to be with our Lord last Tuesday. She suffered very minimally in the last days. She went to sleep on the Friday before and, as one of my students said, "slept her life away." She would wake only slightly when she was talked to but would quickly slip back into deep sleep. Steven and I went to be with my mom over the weekend before she passed, and on Sunday when we had to leave, I lingered because I knew this would be the last time I would see her alive. Saying goodbye was and has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I never thought it would be so hard. She has become such an integral part of our lives that her absence is felt everywhere. I mourn for her but know where she is. I have even thought of what she is seeing, doing, and how she feels. Although I have always believed in Heaven and God, I have never felt them so closely as I do right now with my connection through Mema. I have never felt as much as I do now that Mema is living through all of us. And it is because of her, I live.
Her funeral was beautiful. My sisters and I sang, Olivia and I gave little speeches, and the ministers who spoke knew her so well, it was a real comfort. Everyone mentioned what a grand lady she was - that everywhere she went, she was dressed "to the nines." The process was very difficult and exhausting but honoring Mema was so important. She was and is so important. Mema was actually my great grandmother. She lost her only natural born daughter, my grandmother, and adopted my mom and her sisters when they were young girls. My mother was in a girl's home, her sisters in foster care, and they would have been adopted to different families, because in those days, they did not try to keep siblings together. But Mema mustered the strength, as she always seemed to do, and adopted them.
I am posting the speech, I guess some call it a eulogy, that I wrote to read at the funeral. It tells how I feel better than I could repeat everything. Life is going to be very different now. I never knew her absence would be felt so profoundly. But her absence is also a presence - because every time something reminds me of her, she's here. God's blessing to us who are left behind.
"When I was in 7th grade, I was given an assignment to write a meaningful poem. I wrote about Mema, her life, and how much she had lived. Writing about Mema would have not occurred to me but a summer storm changed me in a way that can only be credited to the handiwork of God.
The previous summer, my mother had packed me off to Mema's, and most likely, she sent me off complaining. Going to Mema's at that age seemed like a chore. I couldn't sleep late, I had to dress nicely everywhere we went, and all there was to watch on TV was news and Young and the Restless - both very uninteresting to this young girl. The highlight of a day at Mema's was walking along the stepping stones and drinking fresh sun tea. I did not know at the time how instrumental my visit would be in changing my view of the strongest woman I'll ever know, and even greater, how profoundly what I would learn about her would change our relationship and my life.
One night of my visit, a violent Texas thunderstorm attacked the area spawning tornadoes. Mema's mobile home (she hated when we called it a trailer - she was a fancy lady) in Goodrich, with its thin metal walls was the last place I wanted to be. Although she did not admit it, Mema was scared too because she sat up with me through the night to wait out the storm. That night, I learned how much this sometimes mean, very set in her ways, but always strong and loving woman had lived.
She told me of her childhood, her years with her daughter, and the difficult years that she rarely spoke about. I was fascinated. Through my very poorly written poetry in the 7th grade, I tried to capture the essence of this woman and chronicle her life that I had learned so much about that summer night.
Being a historian, I am fascinated by the fact that her life is a perfect reflection of the 20th century. She was so proud of being born in the year that women gained the right to vote. She never failed to exercise this right and encouraged us to do so as well. The night we sat up, she told me about growing up in the Great Depression. She said they didn't know when the depression hit because they were already so poor. She said she would dream of a candy bar, wake up and realize it was a dream and then try to go back to sleep so she could dream of the chocolaty goodness again. She said it never worked but she would try anyway. She told me of going to work chopping cotton and the back breaking labor it entailed. She told me of how she moved out of the country and into the city, and her years as a real Rosie the Riveter during World War II. She also told me of times with her daughter Paula, about dressing up just to go to the movies or out to eat. She told me of raising my mom, her going off to college, and then getting married. She told me of Grandaddy, her mother, and all of those I would never get to know. I was captivated.
I wrote in my poem that Mema had lived. I wrote Mema has lived poverty, that she had lived work, she lived happiness, death, strength and love. She lived life. I ended my poem, probably in a feeble attempt to be artistic by saying that Mema had lived and I had not. But the truth is, I have lived too. Because this precious, strong, valiant warrior lived, so have I. Mema continues to live in all who have been graced to know her. My appreciation for her strength grows exponentially as I age.
So in closing, my dear sweet, strong Sparrow, you will always live. Rest in the arms of our Savior where your strength is no longer needed. Thank you God for giving us this precious gift."
9 years ago
Your speech touched me - it's such a beautiful and honest way to remember her. Love you!!
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