Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, Monday...Can't trust that day

Yes, I know. Another reference to Mamas and the Papas. I can't help it. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade. But then again, I sure do like the Internet and our DVR.

It is Monday and it definitely feels like a Monday. I'm ill with some kind of throat, nasal, ear thing. I didn't do a thing all weekend. At least nothing productive. I wanted to stay ahead with school work and do some more organizing in our house but I was useless on the couch all weekend. We didn't even get to go to church. I hate when we miss church because it messes up my whole week.

Even though I felt awful this morning, I am very proud to say that I did come to school. But let me tell you, it took every ounce of my new found motivation to get here. And here's an ode to Murphy and his law - I forced myself to get up, get dressed, and drive the hour to school and in my first class the professor spoke the whole period about the campus writing center and Chicago manual style of writing and Kate Turabian. Like I haven't heard that a million and a half times. And another let down - my second professor had a TA come in and tell us that he wouldn't be having lecture today. I could have slept another two hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least I can be proud of myself for doing my part. But isn't that just typical?

I need some new ideas for quick, healthy dinners. The things I generally make take some time and we don't buy a lot of packaged, pre-cooked things because it's more expensive and usually has more fat content or more salt. Steven would love it if all I ever bought were frozen pizzas and lasagna. I think he is related on some level to Garfield.

Steven and I are looking for a good Asian restaurant. The sushi place we like is a hibachi style place and kinda pricey. Having never moved permanently from Huntsville, I didn't realize how much I relied on Mrs. Ho. :) She is the best in all the land. This is my proclamation for the day.

My baby cousin is doing better each day. It's amazing!!! I just wish I could hold her and kiss her little face. Babies are so wonderful. Of course then they morph into big kids, but I'm thinking it may be worth it.

My, I'm rambling today. It must be the sinuses. I suppose I should put you out of your misery - Adieu.