Only six more class days after today!!! Steven would say that means there are seven but since today is half over, I round down. Six sounds so much better that seven. Of course that means I have a lot of work to cover in two weeks. But, there is light at the end of this tunnel. Hallelujah!!!
I haven't made an American Idol post in a while so here's my update: There is a lot of talent this year and I am very excited about the guest judges they've had so far. Although, I don't really like Mariah Carey so I should say, I was very excited to see Dolly Parton and Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber as guest hosts. :) My favorites are still Brooke White, David Archuleta and Jason Castro. I felt so sorry for Brooke on last night's performance. She had to stop and start her song over which might put her out of the contest. It's so late in the game to be making big mistakes like that. I'm afraid that if I ever did try out and miraculously made it into the finals, I would do exactly what she did. She seems like a really sweet person, it's so sad that it may cause her to be let go. I think Jason may be in the bottom as well this week. Musical theater is obviously not his forte but he did sing really well as always. And of course, young David is an exceptional singer.
I will state publicly that I do not agree with fans of David Cook. There is just something about him I don't like. It's in his smile and his eyes when he performs. It makes him seem arrogant. But also, I just haven't liked what he's done with his songs. For some reason the judges love it. I just don't know. But there's my Idol coverage for this week. :)
I don't know what has been wrong with me these past two weeks but I've been exhausted every single day. I am so stinkin' tired. And it doesn't seem that I've had a lot of extra work. Most likely it's that I have been having so much all semester that it's just wearing me down. I'm ready for a break, even if it's just two weeks. The down side is that when school ends, I might be working two jobs for those two weeks. I told my current boss that I will be trying to start a new job when school ends but I don't know how much is willing to find someone else for those few weeks. She says she understands that I have to secure a job for the summer since they won't need someone. I hope so. Working for both jobs would be hard, especially since that's supposed to be a break. I just have a problem saying no. sigh.....
On the positive - 6 more school days!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Six more days!
Posted by Amanda Deardorff at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Seven more class days.....
I am wishing the semester were over. The end of the semester is always so hard. I find myself wishing for it to end and can't seem to find the desire to keep going. It feels like end of the semester burn-out. I don't think I'm alone in this because the parking lot appears a little less full each day. I think people begin missing towards the end of the semester because it just becomes so difficult to keep up the intensity. I will be so very glad when I graduate. 14 more months, Lord willing.....
We had a really good weekend with the family for Daddy's birthday. We held his party a week early so that my oldest sister could attend. It was good to be with everyone, although, Steven and I both woke up tired today because of the weekend with the family. But we are so glad we were able to celebrate Daddy's birthday. Mama barbecued chicken the way Grandaddy used to make it. It took everyone back to past days of family fun and we spent some time reminiscing.
There really isn't much to report since all I've been doing is studying, writing, working and attending class. I think another reason it becomes hard to keep going is the monotony of it all and the overwhelming amount of work there is still left to day at the end of the day. sigh.... I'll try in my next post not to be so depressing!
Posted by Amanda Deardorff at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Last push...
Today is officially the one month mark to the end of the semester. Finals will be over by this time next month. This is a little bitter-sweet for me though. I am so glad we are nearing the end but there are so many things to do in the next few weeks, I don't know how I will survive. I can look forward to actually sleeping again in about 4 weeks, so this is a good thing. I don't remember when I woke up last and wasn't tired. Such is life.
Before then end of the semester I mush finish my research and write my 12 pages- not a major feat, but it must be good, very good. Actually, I have to have the 1st draft done this Friday. I'm praying for a miracle. I also have my Sam Houston project to do, which means I must finish that 400 pg. book. Not easy with all of the "usual" reading I already have to worry about. Then of course I'll have finals. And probably between the end of the semester and now, I'll have at least one more essay for my English class. Which reminds me, I have one last major essay for one of my history classes due two weeks from now which means I must finish that book by the end of the week. major SIGH....
AND- I am still dealing with working and the weekly grind of home and hearth. Ok, ok, I don't have it that bad but I am feeling overwhelmed. Mainly because I am just tired.
On a less dismal subject, my sister and I have been enjoying having a couple of evenings of cookouts with our husbands. The weather has been nice so Friday after my nephew's t-ball game my brother-in-law grilled hotdogs at our apartment complex. It was so much fun, grilled again Sunday night while the nephew spent the night with my mom. Ok, I know what people are thinking - if I just wasted a paragraph lamenting my school tasks and lack of time, how do I have time for enjoyment? Well, you gotta eat right? You can't work every second of the day! And I did spend all, and I mean ALL of Saturday at the library. Quit judging me! :) (completely kidding!)
I am feeling tired but I am being urged on by the pull of graduation. 15 months to go and I will be a certified highschool English and History teacher. And then I'll be making the big bucks!!!! :P
Posted by Amanda Deardorff at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Long time gone...
It has been a long time since I posted so I will do a quick "chetchup" as my triplets say. So much is going on right now with school that I'm pretty stretched as far as time goes. The end of the semester is coming and I'm counting down the days! So I'll divide this post to try to cover everything.
Spring Break: It was fabulous!!! Going to the mountains was a great experience, as always. Steven took a lot of good pictures that I will try to put up when I can. Unfortunately our camera got smashed on one of our last days of our trip. It will still take pictures but you can't view them on the screen. It took the brunt of the smashing. The flash doesn't work either so we will have to replace the camera whenever funds permit. (it will be a while....)
Visiting the family was so good. Makiko is a precious, precious baby. I got to hold her quite a bit, and for this I am so grateful. Seeing Melissa made me realize that we share something that shouldn't be taken for granted. She's so special to me. It really doesn't matter how long we have been apart, we can still laugh (hard) at absolutely nothing and everything at the same time like we always have. Leaving her was probably the most emotional part of the trip because we have shared so much together growing up, as teenagers and as adults in college. And we share tastes apparently because the new couch she and Hai just bought is the same design as our couches we got when we first were married! That was a funny coincidence. Or was it a coincidence? oooOOOooo!
The trip was great and as all vacations I go on, I am not content when I get home. I am not satisfied and still want to be going places and doing things other than work and school. sigh... but now I have graduation to look forward to, which leads me to.....
School: School is pretty good these days, just very, very busy. I'm enjoying it in a way that I never have. This is by far my hardest semester but it's my best as well. I'm doing better than I ever have. I pray I can keep up this momentum over the next year. I was advised last week and found out I will graduate August 2009, just a year and a few months away!!! If I weren't getting my teaching certificate I would graduate this december but I need my certificate. I actually want to do something that deals with history or english so I'll stay the extra semester to get my certificate. Plus, College Station is opening a new high-school next year!!! This would be a great opportunity for us! So I'm counting down the days to the end of the semester, and the months to graduation and a "real" job.
Family: The family is good. Daddy was in the hospital for a week because of his legs but he seems to be doing much better. The last I talked to him, he was in good spirits and was feeling motivated to make some changes. He actually quit dipping snuff COLD TURKEY! This was a major, major event that I am thankful to have witnessed. He had been dipping for well over 20 years. Yay Daddy! I got to spend a day with him in the hospital and we had some really good talks about some research I've been wanting to do about the church. Hopefully that will develop into something fruitful. We'll see.
Gotta run to class as always!!!
Posted by Amanda Deardorff at 10:33 AM 0 comments