Monday, April 14, 2008

Last push...

Today is officially the one month mark to the end of the semester. Finals will be over by this time next month. This is a little bitter-sweet for me though. I am so glad we are nearing the end but there are so many things to do in the next few weeks, I don't know how I will survive. I can look forward to actually sleeping again in about 4 weeks, so this is a good thing. I don't remember when I woke up last and wasn't tired. Such is life.

Before then end of the semester I mush finish my research and write my 12 pages- not a major feat, but it must be good, very good. Actually, I have to have the 1st draft done this Friday. I'm praying for a miracle. I also have my Sam Houston project to do, which means I must finish that 400 pg. book. Not easy with all of the "usual" reading I already have to worry about. Then of course I'll have finals. And probably between the end of the semester and now, I'll have at least one more essay for my English class. Which reminds me, I have one last major essay for one of my history classes due two weeks from now which means I must finish that book by the end of the week. major SIGH....

AND- I am still dealing with working and the weekly grind of home and hearth. Ok, ok, I don't have it that bad but I am feeling overwhelmed. Mainly because I am just tired.

On a less dismal subject, my sister and I have been enjoying having a couple of evenings of cookouts with our husbands. The weather has been nice so Friday after my nephew's t-ball game my brother-in-law grilled hotdogs at our apartment complex. It was so much fun, grilled again Sunday night while the nephew spent the night with my mom. Ok, I know what people are thinking - if I just wasted a paragraph lamenting my school tasks and lack of time, how do I have time for enjoyment? Well, you gotta eat right? You can't work every second of the day! And I did spend all, and I mean ALL of Saturday at the library. Quit judging me! :) (completely kidding!)

I am feeling tired but I am being urged on by the pull of graduation. 15 months to go and I will be a certified highschool English and History teacher. And then I'll be making the big bucks!!!! :P