Monday, April 21, 2008

Seven more class days.....

I am wishing the semester were over. The end of the semester is always so hard. I find myself wishing for it to end and can't seem to find the desire to keep going. It feels like end of the semester burn-out. I don't think I'm alone in this because the parking lot appears a little less full each day. I think people begin missing towards the end of the semester because it just becomes so difficult to keep up the intensity. I will be so very glad when I graduate. 14 more months, Lord willing.....

We had a really good weekend with the family for Daddy's birthday. We held his party a week early so that my oldest sister could attend. It was good to be with everyone, although, Steven and I both woke up tired today because of the weekend with the family. But we are so glad we were able to celebrate Daddy's birthday. Mama barbecued chicken the way Grandaddy used to make it. It took everyone back to past days of family fun and we spent some time reminiscing.

There really isn't much to report since all I've been doing is studying, writing, working and attending class. I think another reason it becomes hard to keep going is the monotony of it all and the overwhelming amount of work there is still left to day at the end of the day. sigh.... I'll try in my next post not to be so depressing!