Monday, February 18, 2008

2 in one day...

I rarely post twice in one day but I need to rant and well, here goes.

I cannot stand my last class of the day. It is an English class, which normally I would love. This is so not the case with ENG 265.

First of all, it is a lower-level class of sophomores. I still don't know why I am required to take it. I had upper-level English at A&M, and really do not need to read the "Odyssey" again. I read it in high-school when I was taking college courses. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a know-it-all. I just am beyond this mess.

This brings me to #2. As a professor, DO NOT require that your students READ "The Iliad," and then only talk about the movie. If I wanted to take a film class, I would have. And using "funny" voices does not make you more enjoyable as a teacher. It makes your small minded class laugh but that's it.

Number 3 - Please do not pull lecture outlines from the internet and pawn them off as original. I pay very good money to expand my mind and further my education. Why would I pay good money to hear someone read a lecture from the internet? I could do that myself. And furthermore, if you are going to steal lectures from a website, make sure they coincide with what your students are actually supposed to learn. For example, don't plan to talk about Job and his three friends but your lecture you printed off of "Teaching is EZ" talks about a fourth friend, so you cover it up by blaming the students who are lost.

Number 4 - If I have to haul it across campus and fight 15,000 students to get to class on time, the least a professor can do is walk down a flight of stairs and be reasonably on time. 12:10 is not on time. 12:05 is not on time. Do not make me rush if you are going to randomly decide when to start class. It is disrespectful. Class does not start when the professor gets there. They are late in the same manner that a student is late.

And lastly, why as students are we required to have everything online, yet you can have a professor who doesn't accept work through email? But don't be late with your work or it won't be accepted!!!! It doesn't matter if you live an hour away and are only on campus a few days out of the week. Make the trip and miss work because it's dedication to education. However, if you decide to cancel class for a WEEK, it's ok. No, really...waste my money.

As a soon to be educator, a person raised by educators, a long time student, and a human being, I really despise this behavior. I always feel out of place in these "dumbed down" classes. The students don't want to work and the professor just wants to be "cool." I look stupid when I actually try. It is going to be a long semester in English 265.