Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Canceled Classes! woohoo!

I love it when classes are canceled. It's like a snowday for grownups. Even though I have tons of stuff to do, it's a major stress reliever. So while I'm not glad that one of my professors is missing due to a death in the family and the other has a sick child, I sure am happy for the time to work on my other school work. But of course, I'm taking some time to blog. :)

I am so excited about our trip to CO. I just cannot stop thinking about it! Even though we are going on this trip to see family, it's still a vacation and we are going to get to do fun vacation things. This is the first trip we've been able to do this. We will be there exactly 2 weeks from today!!!! I can't believe it! But I've got plenty to keep me occupied so the time will probably go fast. Sitting around and eating bon-bons makes the time go quickly - right Auntie C? :)

I don't know if anyone who reads this watches American Idol but this is my time of year. I love AI. Perhaps this is because in my fantasy world I am an accomplished celebrity singer and have multiple platinum albums. In the everyone else's reality I am a student/nanny who lives vicariously through the top 24. The boys last night were more than disappointing, excepting of course David Archuleta. This boy is it. He is what pure talent looks like in human form. And he's only 16! I cried... literally cried...during his performance of John Lennon's "Imagine." It was phenomenal. They should just go ahead and hand him a recording contract and take him out of the competition. He seems so sweet and good natured which adds to his likability. Of course, it's hard to know how people on TV are in real life so this is just the observation of a viewer but I really, really like him.

I'm taking the Aussie out of my top 3 favorite boys because I didn't like his performance last night or his performance last week. Two weeks in a row is too much. He has musical ability, no doubt. I mean, he can carry a tune, and has a certain stage quality that makes him likable but I just don't think this competition was the place for him. So I am replacing him with David Cook. I like him, especially since he's a word nerd like myself. He's good also which puts him in my top three boys. As for my other pick - Jason Castro - hey, he's super talented and has excellent stage presence. And he scores major points for being an Aggie!

Tonight the girls perform and thank goodness for DVR because I have a lot of school work to do. Which I should be doing now....adieu!