Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy V-day...early

Happy Valentine's Day! I am a day early but I probably won't get to post tomorrow so I'm completely within V-day etiquette. Not that I really think there is any, but whatever.

Steven was sick yesterday and stayed home from work today so I don't think there will be any major Valentine's Day celebrations for us. We did go out last year and had kind of planned to do the same this year but, it looks like we may just be staying home. This probably is better anyway because I have a first draft of an essay due Friday. Still, I was looking forward to not having to clean up the kitchen after cooking. I like the cooking part, just not the cleaning. Oh well.

I don't know what is wrong with me this week but I have been tired every day. I'm taking vitamins so I don't think it's a deficiency. When I wake up I feel like I could use another 3 or 4 hours of sleep and stay that way all day. I just can't wait until the weekend. It's just one of those weeks.

My sweet cousin got to have her first bottle last Friday. This is a major milestone. She looks so sweet and precious. I just wish I could go see her. She's such a sweet blessing.

Spring break is just around the corner and this is keeping my spirits up. Last year Steven and I couldn't do a thing because #1 - Mama broke her nose the first day of the break, #2 - Mema had a stroke on the last few days, and #3 - Steven lost his job with that dumb security company. But this year we both get a break and we may actually get to do something! I would really like to go camping. This of course will have to be discussed with the husband. I think it would be fun! We haven't had recreational excursion since our honeymoon. It would be really nice. Anyone have any good places for camping?


CAB said...

State parks, KOA campgrounds are nice and cheap! That's always a bonus - check and see what's close to y'all - can't tell you any specifics since we haven't camped down that way! Have fun! We've stayed in one KOA 1 room cabin and it was fun - you don't have a bathroom inside the cabin so you have to go to the bathhouse, but it wasn't too far away and the little cabin was nice and cozy - even had a porch swing!

Hope you get your energy back!