Friday, February 27, 2009

The Sick Folks and Such

Daddy came home from the hospital on Wednesday evening. He's still really weak as he always is after a stay in the hospital. For a place that is supposed to make you better, it sure wears a body out! He seems to be doing ok though.

Since I'm updating on the sick people, Mema has a large lump on her leg and now her leg is swollen. The doctor wrapped it in an ACE bandage and has drawn fluid from the leg for testing. We should know what it is by next week.

On a sad note -not that what I've been talking about is particularly joyful- my brother-in-law's childhood home that he and my sister owned and were renting out burned down this week. I haven't gotten to talk to them but I know this has to be devastating. They were renting it to make the mortgage payments on the home so more than just an emotional blow, this has also probably taken a financial toll on them as well. Please pray for them during this time of uncertainty.

Speaking of uncertainty, how in the world does spending equal saving? Grief! I heard yesterday on the radio that there was "scientific proof" that the worst of the financial crisis was over. It turns out, things are still getting bad but at a slower rate. Does that even make sense? How does that add up to the worst being over? So far, Steven and I are ok. We don't own anything so there really isn't anything to lose. It reminds me of how my Mema said they didn't know when the Great Depression hit because they were so poor already. I'm just thankful that Steven's job is secure for now and that we can still make our rent. What does worry me is that I heard there will be 600,000 fewer teaching jobs in 2010 nationally. That isn't really encouraging considering how hard I'm working right now. But, as always, the Lord will provide.

I notice by my countdown clock on the wall, I have less than 300 days until graduation. We're in the 200's! Also, in one month and two days I'll get my class ring at the ring ceremony. Woohoo!


Latane Barton said...

You are moving right along toward graduation. I just pray that a job will become available, just what you want and need.

Bethany said...

I know this was posted a while back (I'm behind on my blog-reading), but I hope and pray your Dad's ok now, and wanted you to know I love you. (:

PS - love the new layout!