Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Last weekend was the first weekend in about six weeks that I actually enjoyed. The weeks have been busy, full of going and coming which has left me with little time to think. When the weekend has rolled around, I've had emotional overload because I finally had to stop and think. But this past weekend I actually felt happy, something I hadn't been able to feel in a while. And because the weekend didn't involve an emotional upheaval, I haven't had to start my week with an up-hill climb. I am so thankful for this past weekend. Perhaps many people wouldn't recognize the blessing of being happy, or even just not sad, but I do and for me, it is no small blessing. I am thankful that my family seems to be doing well, my granny is at peace, and I am at peace (for the most part).

In regards to keeping busy, I am surely busy. I am working back at the pre-school and am teaching the 5 year olds. Last week we went on 4 field trips - bowling, the movies, the Waco Zoo, and to a place called The Bounce where there are about 10 moon bounces set up for the kids to play. This week so far we have been to Gattitown and the movies, and will go to the library and the Oil Ranch in Hockley. These trips are really fun but really stressful because of the loading and unloading of the children and their seats. Getting 16 children buckled in is no easy task. Then at places like Gattitown, the zoo, and the Oil Ranch, keeping them together is a major elevation in stress levels. But it is really fun and I really like the kids. I had quite a few of them before when they were 3 years old so they knew me and I knew them, or at least the major difficulties I may face with some of them. One child in particular tends to grate on my nerves. It is not that I do not like this child but these kids are little people and adults sometimes annoy each other, as do children. Anyway, this child is constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY complaining about something. She will complain if her food touches, or there is a spot on her finger, or someone looks at joke. If I had a dollar for every time she has already cried over someone looking at her, I could probably buy the laptop I want. And it's only the middle of JUNE! This child is very, very high maintenance. I pray for patience with that child every hour of every day it seems. Two more months to go!!!

Other than that, summer is going as well as can be expected at this point. It's hot but then again, I live in Texas!!! Hot is normal!!!


Bethany said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend. Hope more follow. (-:

Strayhorn12 said...

Hey.. No offical decision yet, but there is a chance I might be taking a job teaching pre-k.. and that would mean I would have 3 & 4 year olds in my class.. SO.. any advice is welcome from a seasoned pro!