Sunday, June 22, 2008

sickness and stress

Well, I have been sick for a whole week now. I have no voice at all. My sweet Granny called me just now and I was trying to talk to her but we kept getting mixed up because she couldn't hear what I was saying. I went to the doctor last Monday and have been on antibiotics for a week and have only gotten worse. Most likely, I got so sick because I did not have time to step back and rest. Between school, commuting, gas prices, work, sickness, and daily life, I have breached my stress limit. Isn't it sad that the high gas prices are a stress unto themselves? When you commute and make peanuts at a job which should pay more, filling the gas tank becomes nightmarish.

I have already missed two days of one class but I may be missing tomorrow because I think I need to go back to the doctor. I have to keep telling myself that I can only do what I can do. But I hate letting people down and I've done so well in school lately, I would really hate for a dumb cold to ruin everything. Not to mention that I feel bad about missing work. I missed last Monday because I had gone to the doctor and he said to stay home, then I missed Tuesday because I had to do an observation for school. I went Wed, Thur, and Fri, but Friday they sent me home because I couldn't talk. So I would really, really hate to miss anymore. Not to mention that my friend Summer is getting married next Saturday and I am missing work on Friday for that because I am her matron of honor. And I am just thankful that Steven and I do not have children yet because there would be absolutely no way I would be able to handle everything. Of course, I wouldn't be a full-time student, commuting two hours a day, and working if I had children.

I am just really ready for the summer to be over. I never, ever thought I would say that. Summer has always been so great because of church meetings and no school, going to the beach, going to the pool, visiting family, etc. Of course, as an adult those things change but this summer is just abnormally burdensome. We can't go to church meetings or the beach because of money and gas prices, and there is lots and lots of school since I had to go full time.

Ok, so that all sounds depressing but the truth is, I will be overjoyed when I don't have to commute every single day in my very hot, unairconditioned car. Not to mention how much better it will be on our budget. :)

I promise my next post will not be so downtrodden. Unless of course, something catastrophic happens like all my hair falls out. adieu!


G to the A said...

DUDE! Hold your head up! Things will all of the sudden clear up for you! ... wow that sounded like a fortune cookie. And as my MOM pointed out to me... you have to add "in bed" to the end of your fortune.
Hope things get better. Call me when things slow down and when you have a voice!