Friday, January 18, 2008

Sing for your Supper

The title really has nothing to do with what I'm feeling today. I just have that Mama's and the Papa's song in my head. As I was travelling to school today before the sun even woke up,(which, by looking outside of the computer lab, it does not appear that the sun will shine today), I listened to my Mama's and the Papa's Greatest Hits. Mama Cas, the things you could have sung had things been different. That's life though.

So today is my second day of class and everything so far is great. I really like my first two classes, which is good since my first class is at 8 AM. It's a lot easier to go to school that early when you enjoy what you are there for. And it of course, makes me be there for my last two classes. To clarify, I do like my Civil War and Recon. class but it is a 400 level with a very intense professor. So I am incredibly intimidated but I will learn a lot I am told.

My financial aid is taking its sweet time so I am forced to only buy the books that I absolutely have to have over the weekend and will have to buy the rest whenever the FAO decides to grant me my funds. Thus is life of a poor married college student. Being fairly newly married means poverty anyway, but add in college student and we become destitute. *only kidding. we have all that we need* :)

My sweet new cousin is doing so well. Her blog is in the list of ones that I read. She's over 2 lbs now and is feeding regularly. God is so amazing. I do not know how anyone can look at that baby and not see God's grace and love. Praise God.

I am really looking forward to the weekend and the monday holiday. It's not really so much that I need a break from school since we just started two days ago, but it will be nice to continue working on our home and finally unpacking. It is a very, very slow process made only slower by the woman issues I was having in the fall. But now I am reasonably cyst free and have been organizing and cleaning. I've never felt better about it either. *refer to previous post*

Life is genuinely good. I feel very different even in class so far. I am one of the old ladies now so I am not concerned with the things I was concerned with in the past. Anxiety is lower because, well, I am no longer a second-hander. This has become my mantra I suppose!

It is so cold today and only supposed to get colder so I guess now would be the best time to try making chili. I've never actually made it because Steven and I don't really care for it but he mentioned he was in the mood for it and so now I am too. I will have to look through my recipes and find the ones I like best. I usually don't end up using recipes because I make up my own and add things I like and omit things I don't care for. But I think for this, I will have to follow a recipe. Anyone have any good ones?

Have a happy weekend!


Bethany Stevens said...

I'm so glad Melissa's baby is doing better!! I'll keep praying.. Love reading your blogs, as always.