Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Six more days!

Only six more class days after today!!! Steven would say that means there are seven but since today is half over, I round down. Six sounds so much better that seven. Of course that means I have a lot of work to cover in two weeks. But, there is light at the end of this tunnel. Hallelujah!!!

I haven't made an American Idol post in a while so here's my update: There is a lot of talent this year and I am very excited about the guest judges they've had so far. Although, I don't really like Mariah Carey so I should say, I was very excited to see Dolly Parton and Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber as guest hosts. :) My favorites are still Brooke White, David Archuleta and Jason Castro. I felt so sorry for Brooke on last night's performance. She had to stop and start her song over which might put her out of the contest. It's so late in the game to be making big mistakes like that. I'm afraid that if I ever did try out and miraculously made it into the finals, I would do exactly what she did. She seems like a really sweet person, it's so sad that it may cause her to be let go. I think Jason may be in the bottom as well this week. Musical theater is obviously not his forte but he did sing really well as always. And of course, young David is an exceptional singer.

I will state publicly that I do not agree with fans of David Cook. There is just something about him I don't like. It's in his smile and his eyes when he performs. It makes him seem arrogant. But also, I just haven't liked what he's done with his songs. For some reason the judges love it. I just don't know. But there's my Idol coverage for this week. :)

I don't know what has been wrong with me these past two weeks but I've been exhausted every single day. I am so stinkin' tired. And it doesn't seem that I've had a lot of extra work. Most likely it's that I have been having so much all semester that it's just wearing me down. I'm ready for a break, even if it's just two weeks. The down side is that when school ends, I might be working two jobs for those two weeks. I told my current boss that I will be trying to start a new job when school ends but I don't know how much is willing to find someone else for those few weeks. She says she understands that I have to secure a job for the summer since they won't need someone. I hope so. Working for both jobs would be hard, especially since that's supposed to be a break. I just have a problem saying no. sigh.....

On the positive - 6 more school days!


G to the A said...

hey guess what I have!