Monday, May 5, 2008

one more day.....

Well, there is only one more class day after today. How excited am I? I would be more excited if I didn't have 2 essays (both 6 pages) and a project (very major) to do before finals begin next week. But hopefully after Wednesday I will only have to worry about finals and no more papers before summer school starts. And actually, I won't have any papers in the first summer session because I am taking two education classes that are mainly tests and small projects. At least that's what I'm hoping.

I got some exciting news last week. I am not bragging but, I got a writing award! It's called excellence in writing. There will be a ceremony tomorrow and my work will be displayed with other student winners and faculty. I've never won an award for writing and haven't won anything in college at all. Except of course, my education but that doesn't count because I pay for that. :)

I'm trying to figure out what church meetings Steven and I can go to this summer. We didn't attend any last summer. Finances didn't permit and our family was going through a great deal of things. The issue is now, I'm just not as aware of them now as I used to be.

I would like to ask for some prayers for my Granny. She is suffering from shingles. I don't know much about this except that it's the chicken pox virus in adults and it's incredibly painful. She's so sweet and carries a great deal of burden already. Please pray for her speedy recovery.

Well, it's off to class for now....but for the second to last time. woohoo!!! I've made it to the end of the semester....almost!