Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Look

I felt like it was time for a new layout and I feel this pretty Barbie pink suits me much better. Barbie is a very important lady in my life and everything pink makes me happy. My wedding was so beautiful with various shades of pink, just like in "Steel Magnolias" but with a bit more taste. :o)

We survived Ike and were blessed that it really didn't effect us much. I had been planning to visit my cousin Virginia that weekend but decided it might be better not to travel. As it turns out, I probably could have gone since it wasn't as bad here as expected, but it was good I stayed because my parents needed help. They live in Huntsville and the town was hit pretty hard. Power was knocked out but the worst part was that two trees fell across their garage and has damaged their cars. We still don't know the extent of the damage to the autos, but the garage is going to have to be rebuilt. We are all just very thankful they were ok. Olivia and I and our sweet husbands went Sunday to retrieve Mama, Daddy, and Memaw with a rental car. They've been staying at Olivia's this week but will be going home tomorrow since power has been restored! I know everyone will be very happy when they can go home. Memaw did not want to leave Huntsville but once she was told she'd have her own room at Livy's, she was appeased. I think she will be happiest to return. Or maybe Olivia will be happiest. haha.

School has been out all week and I have been so glad. I'm working extra hours at the preschool because we are short staffed. I told them I could only manage this for another week because I just cannot work 30 hours a week and have a full load of classes on top of commuting to school. I was really proud of myself because I have a hard time telling people no. Last year I was working way too much for the family I was working for and really put myself in a bind as far as school was concerned. So I am very proud that I can stand up for myself and not feel guilty for taking care of myself.

Speaking of taking care of myself, I should go get ready. I have a doctor's appointment today. I am a little concerned about it, so would ask for prayers if you think of it. Last year I had a terrible time with an ovarian cyst that really took me out of commission. Since Sunday I've been having pain in that same area that has gotten worse and made me extremely tired. Hopefully it is nothing but it would be great if they could figure out what is hurting and if it can be remedied easily. Thank you!


CAB said...

Glad everything will be getting back to normal for everyone and that power is back on for your parents and grandparents :)

I like the "new look" - it's easier on my eyes - somehow the white on black is really hard for my eyes to read!