Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

I can't believe it's already Halloween! Where has the time gone? Tonight Olivia is having a party so we will be Halloweening with them. We almost were not going to make it because I've been sick again. Every time I have gotten off my antibiotics, I have gotten sick again immediately. I've been to the doctor 3 times in 7 weeks. This last time they took a mono test thinking perhaps I had contracted mono some how. Thankfully, the results were negative. If this round of antibiotics do not get me better, the doctor said he may refer me to an ENT or an allergist. Being so sick has not helped with being so stressed with work in school. I've fallen behind in my reading because I've been so tired but hopefully I can use the weekend to catch up.

Today I'm going to go vote! This is my second election to vote in. I feel under informed for local campaigns but it will be ok. I'm pretty sure who I'm voting for locally, I just feel like there is so much discussion about presidential voting, I don't get to hear enough about our local government. I get excited about voting. It must be the historian in me! Steven doesn't get excited like I do. But that's ok. To each his own!

I think it's funny how people assume certain people vote a certain way. You know what they say about assuming, right? hehe....


CAB said...

Hmm, who's been assuming what about whom?