Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Change!

Woah...The time just changed and I'm actually up for it. Weird. I am officially a time traveler. :o)

I have no idea why I'm up in the middle of the night. I went to sleep, then something woke me up - not quite sure what- and then I was wide awake. Oh well. Hey, I got to see the time change though. I guess that's kind of neat. Although, I'm beginning to think the time change might be unnecessary. I'm thinking we probably didn't save any energy and we definitely did not increase our spending to help stimulate the economy since we don't have the money. Ben Franklin was correct on many things but I feel he may have missed the mark on time change. Kind of like when he proposed having a turkey as the national bird. What would we eat on Thanksgiving? Silly Ben.

I suppose I should clarify what I said at the end of my last post. I am generally amused that people assume how others will vote. In school, people assume because you are there, you are "liberal." At work, because I work in a pre-school where apparently there are more "conservatives," I must also be conservative. I don't like being affiliated with any party or side or really being labelled "conservative" or "liberal." To me those are such ambiguous terms. What is deemed liberal today most likely will not be liberal in 50 years. What was radical 100 years ago, is commonplace today - i.e. women voters. If I vote for the republican candidate this year, it does not mean I am a republican because I am neither republican nor democrat, liberal or conservative. People are often put into boxes for whatever reason and I don't want to be one of them! :o)

Also, as a future educator of history, I can't stand that even people who are being published who would hopefully know the difference are using socialism, communism, Marxism, and fascism interchangeably. As Charlie Brown so aptly proclaims - Good grief!!!!


Latane Barton said...

I haven't heard a word about changing the time. I thought they had extended the time change to sometime in November. Oh well, my days are pretty much the same so it doesn't matter. ha.