Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday!!!

I am so glad today is Friday. It's been a busy week with Bro. Jimmie's funeral, school, work, and my dad-gum foot hurting. I haven't mentioned this in my blog but for two and a half weeks my right foot has been hurting when something touches or squeezes it (like a shoe), and it's been painful when I have to walk very far. I have an appointment today to see the doctor because it seems to be getting worse. Hopefully it is something that will be easily fixed. I seem to always be having some kind of issue like this.

It's American Idol time again!!!!!! Thank goodness for DVR. I would have missed all of the shows this week. I skimmed through the boys' performances on Wednesday night and did the same for the girls last night. I haven't watched the results show so I've been avoiding articles on the yahoo front page.

Here are my favorites so far- I hope none of them have been cut. That would be sad.

Girls: Brooke White, Amanda Overmeyer (LOVE her), Seyesha Mercado
Boys: David Archuleta, Michael Johns (although I didn't like his performance this week), Jason Castro

I love American Idol! I'm going to try out for fun next season. I think....we'll see. :)

Have a great weekend!