Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday again

It is Monday again. I know I should have a better attitude about Mondays but it is so hard. I really, really don't like Mondays these days. I seriously feel I'm "working for the weekend." That's the song that keeps going through my head. It also doesn't help that I had a test this morning. Monday tests are always hard.

I was really nervous about this test. It's the first formal test I've had since I came back to school. I've had essays that are essentially test grades, but this was a classroom test, no talking, timed affair. I have never been nervous about tests before in my life so this was a new experience for me. But once I got into the exam, I realized I knew the material pretty well. I just hope I put enough information in my essay. It was really hard to think with the professor calling out the time very five minutes. I know he was just trying to help but I do better when I can just get it all out. I've had enough experience to know how to plan my time.

Steven helped me study dates last night and that was pretty funny. Even though I'm a history major, I rarely have to study dates because as revisionist historians, we aren't required to know dates, but rather focus on themes, ideas, trends, etc. Most professors I've had say you can always look up a date. It's the themes in history that aren't concrete. But for this exam, 15 points of it was knowing the year that several events happened. So last night Steven was drilling me on these important years. I went to bed saying, "Death of Victoria: 1901, Armistice: 1918, Winston Churchill: 1874-1965!" And then at one point told him to stop drilling because I was going to learn it so much that it was going to get all mixed up in my head. I think I did ok though.

Next weekend is the Sacred Harp singing in College Station. I'm kind of excited about it. I haven't been to a singing in a long time and it's just around the corner quite literally!

Do you know what is frustrating? It's so typical. I wanted a drink this morning from the machine and actually had a dollar in my purse. I rarely have cash so this was good. But what I didn't have was a quarter to go with it. Drinks in our building are $1.25. It's ridiculous. I forgot my water bottle today so I have to wait through two more classes before I can leave campus and get a drink. $1.25! It's crazy. Drinks used to be 50 cents. I even remember getting a drink in front of HEB for 25 cents. The world has gone nuts!

I think it's funny that I study all day about holocausts, wars, tyrants, and crusades, but I think the world has gone crazy because a drink is $1.25. haha....