Friday, February 8, 2008

Positive Reinforcement

Today I got a very nice surprise in my 8 AM class. My professor asked if I had received her email and I unfortunately didn't check my school email so I had to tell her no. She asked if I could meet her in her office during her office hours and I said sure. I was very nervous because that sounded really bad and of course I always think I'm in trouble in these kinds of situations. She did tell me not to be worried though so that was good. :)

The first part of her email was to ask if I would mind analyzing a painting of Sam Houston for the class since I worked at the museum for several years. This was on the spot and I told her I wasn't sure because I know more about the homes and the family than about the artifacts. It turned out that the painting she brought up on the projection screen was the very famous painting of Sam in his Indian blanket, holding his cane and hat. So that wasn't hard to analyze at all. I feel like I pointed out some very good things and my professor seemed pleased.

Well, during her office hours I went up to meet her as I was instructed and what she wanted to talk to me about was great! She likes an idea I brought out in class on Wednesday about women's suffrage and she thinks it's a very original idea that would be an excellent topic for my graduate work. That's when I thought - let's back this train up. Graduate school?! In my early days of education, that was always my goal. I wanted to go all the way and get my PhD. But circumstances haven't been great in my undergrad and it's only been in the past few months that I've felt back on top of things. The new goal was to just finish my bachelor's degree. So it came as a shock that she thought I would go on to grad school.

We talked about it for a while and she said I definitely was smart enough (I was pleasantly floored. I've never heard a professor say something like that!!!), and that if Steven and I could manage it, Sam Houston even offers a master's degree in history online. So I could teach and do graduate work. I don't think she knows it, but my professor has renewed my desire and confidence in education. It's so nice to feel successful!

This may seem like a small thing, but to me with the things I've been through, this is major. To have a professor want to meet with me privately to discuss my educational future AND to give me the compliment of having an original idea in a field of very unoriginal themes is huge. Not only that, she complimented my recent essay topic saying it is not only interesting but different. TWO compliments of originality in one meeting!!!! What a great day... :)

This semester I am much more vocal than I've ever been in classes. I am contributing and discussing whereas I used to listen, take notes and move on to my next class. So now I'm thinking that if I had just found my voice earlier, maybe I would have felt better about myself in school. The good news is, it isn't too late. I still have good opportunities.

This week flew by. I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday though. Saturday mornings are my favorite times with Steven. Especially when we don't have to go anywhere. We can relax and enjoy being together. Even if we have work to do around the house, we always take some time on Saturday morning to just be together.

Have a great weekend!